Patience is a Virtue Apparently

For me, I think not so much but I am trying to become more patient.

In addition to still having no idea what the Aussie means when he describes a surprise for me as being “a bird with big feet” I am currently waiting for Immigration to process our visa application which was submitted in July and now for a university to decide whether to offer me a place to study the subjects required to qualify as a Solicitor in Australia as well as the UK.

The waiting time for processing the visa we have applied for is according to the Immigration website, 6 months from receipt. To be fair to Immigration, we did apply with only minimal documents at the end of July because my previous Visa expired in August. We submitted the rest of the documents that they need at the end of October so I am counting the 6 months period from October and will hopefully be pleasantly surprised when they process it earlier than that.

The frustrating thing about the Visa application process is that on the website you just receive a message that says that the application is being processed and someone will be in contact soon! I think it would be much more helpful to allocate it to a Case Officer and for that Case Officer to contact you and say, yep I have your application and I am processing it but its taking X number of months to process your kind of Visa so you won’t hear from me until at least then.

I’ve heard that the fact you haven’t heard anything is probably a good thing, but not for someone with no patience of course!!

a quiet study

I have also this week finally got around to submitting an application to begin studying again at University. It’s taken a while to get going because I had some questions and then when I received the answers more questions (trust a Lawyer to be that way inclined right?) for them as I am classed as an International Student currently.

I applied yesterday and was almost immediately told some of the documents I had tried to upload had not uploaded so sent them and now I have to wait and try and be patient whilst trying to remember I actually have to do the studying once I am offered a place 🙂

Study study.

We Don’t Need No Education

After spending my time studying which included a degree and post graduate course I thought that when I finally finally qualified as a Solicitor that I would never have to study again other than a bit of continuing professional development and certainly that I would not have to take more exams, yuck!

When I came to Australia I applied to have my degree and post grad course assessed and hoped that I would be approved and able to apply to qualify as a Solicitor here.

The outcome of my application has just come back today and it looks like quite a bit of studying is going to be needed before I can get over this little hurdle. The good news is that it will probably have to be in Sydney so I’m going to get to visit Sydney and hopefully explore it a bit which is really exciting.

Luckily the blip is fixable and from my research it seems that it will only hold things up by a year or so but it was a little disconcerting to see that more studying is needed to get where I want to go as whilst I love my job and where I work I am missing getting in to the nitty gritty of being a Lawyer.

I’ve emailed a few places for help and to make sure I am doing things properly so hopefully I will have some good news about what needs to be done and then I can check what can and cannot be done under my visa.

For now a touch of Pink Floyd is appealing!