101 Goals in 1001 Days

Firstly Happy New Year! How is it the 1st January 2015 already!

I’ve decided to start my new year with the 101 Goals in 1001 Days challenge. I saw this idea on Anne from Love the Here and Now’s blog and decided it was something I would like to have a go at.

I am terrible at completing tasks like this but figured that 1001 days is a long time to do everything on the list! As I complete my goals I will try and blog about them and leave the link but also will cross through the completed goals.

Here’s my list and details of when it starts and will end:

Start Date: Thursday 01 January 2015
End Date:  Thursday 28 September 2017

1. Qualify as a Solicitor in Australia.
2. Sell one of my photographs.
3. Visit Bali.
4. Learn to sail.
5. Start studying the subjects need to qualify as a Solicitor in Australia and pass them all.
6. Get over my fear of public speaking.
7. To still be blogging on 28 September 2017.
8. Visit Kakadu National Park.
9. Keep using the planner that I bought so that I can plan my life out better, not forget things and do all the things that I want to do.
10. Plan out my blog posts better so that I can run a bit more to a schedule.
11. Become better at using social media like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram.
12. See more of Australia – I want to visit at least Perth, Adelaide and Sydney.
13. Buy a car.
14. Learn how to style my curly hair nicely.
15. Invite friends over for dinner often.
16. Get my visa sorted so I do not have to worry about visa’s expiring or deadlines.
17. Pay of my debts in the UK.
18. Save money! There’s so many things I want to do but I need to get saving first.
19. Cook 101 recipes from the recipe books I own and have been given.
20. Learn and understand the rules of AFL.
21. Take my DSLR camera out with me more and actually use it so I don’t miss the photo opportunities.
22. Complete the challenges I set myself via blog, photography etc.
23. Take more time to keep in contact with people to make sure that the distance between us doesn’t seem so big.
24. Reply to emails, texts, calls and what’s app messages within 24 hours at the very most.
25. Wear sunscreen all the time.
26. Walk more and enjoy it.
27. Get better at saying what’s on mind rather than bottling it up.
28. Learn to enjoy red wine.
29. Spend Christmas in the UK with my family and friends.
30. Visit the penguins on Phillip Island.
31. Send a letter, card, postcard to someone as a surprise each month.
32. Visit the turtles.
33. Get up early and take a photo of the sunrise.
34. Take a good photo of lightening.
35. Read 5 classic books I’ve never read before.
36. Redesign my blog.
37. Personalise our home with photos, pictures and things that are important to us.
38. Get my mum to teach me to knit (again) and remember how to do it.
39. Go to the ballet.
40. Attend 3 music concerts.
41. Have the root canal work done/tooth removed in 2015.
42. Complete the Goodreads reading challenge each year and increase the number of book that are too be read each year.
43. Have an allergy test done.
44. Print and frame my own photos in our home.
45. Watch Les Miserable in the theatre and read the book.
46. Learn how to make macaroons from scratch.
47. Visit Thailand with the Aussie.
48. Re-learn how to play the keyboard properly.
49. Practice playing the keyboard at least twice a week.
50. Buy a beautiful coffee table and bookcase(s) for our home.
51. Study for at least 10 hours a week when courses start in March 2015.
52. Dye my hair regularly so the roots don’t show.
53. Get hair cut at least 5 times a year and take better care of it.
54. Take a book out of the library once a month and read it all.
55. Buy a bike and use it often.
56. Go out dancing more.
57. Hang the washing out when it’s finished not leave it so long it has to be washed again.
58. Open a joint bank account with the Aussie – we’ve been meaning to do this since August 2013.
59. Write a will.
60. Change my Super Account and move my existing super to it.
61. Take a helicopter ride over Darwin.
62. Go on at least one “girls” weekend a year.
63. Read a book in a day.
64. Spend the day at the cinema watching as many films as I can cram in.
65. Take a day off work in the middle of the week to just stay in bed reading, watching movies and sleeping.
66. Make someone a mix tape of my favourite songs.
67. No eating out for a month.
68. Drink 6 glasses of water a day for 2 weeks – I really should do this already but I am terrible at drinking water.
69. Take a picture for every letter of the alphabet.
70. Start and complete a project 365 photo challenge.
71. See 10 classic movies I’ve never seen before.
72. Ask 20 friends to recommend a book each and read them all.
73. Go on a completely unplanned road trip.
74. Get a pedicure.
75. Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day.
76. Volunteer.
77. Plant a balcony herb and flower garden.
78. Blog at least 3 times a week.
79. Read 10 non fiction books.
80. Learn to make pasta from scratch.
81. Send a card or flowers to someone going through a hard time.
82. Climb the Eiffel Tower.
83. Do a Yellow Water Cruise.
84. Get a tattoo.
85. Donate blood at least once.
86. Host a wine and cheese party.
87. Send 20 postcards through Postcrossing.
88. Hide a note in a library book.
89. Set up sponsorship on my blog.
90. Create a guest post idea and have someone write a guest post each month.
91. Visit 10 museums.
92. Have a picnic with the Aussie.
93. Write and send Christmas cards preferably with personalised cards.
94. Donate $10 to a charity every month.
95. Have professional photos taken with my family.
96. Visit and comment on 10 blogs every week.
97. Take home made lunch to work for one week every month.
98. Organise photos on computer, phone, hard drive.
99. Buy a film camera and use it.
100. Go on a photography tour.
101. Put $10 into savings for each goal accomplished.

I’m looking forward to giving the challenge a go and think it is all achievable given the timeframe. If you are interested in giving it a try you can get lots of inspiration for your 101 challenges from the Zero Day Project.

If your going to give the challenge a go please leave your link below so I can follow your progress.

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